Our Approach > Maximum-Efficiency




There is a lot of misunderstood information about what we do and require at Flynner Homes with respect to "high-performance" energy efficiency. For instance, we do not push solar panels, geothermal hot water, or any other big ticket items. We can install these items if you desire, but we don't lead with them. Flynner is really about first making the envelope (the exterior parts of your house that come into contact with the natural environment) of your house as energy efficient, and air-tight as possible with minimal costs. We then install conventional, efficient equipment to minimize your utility bills and maximize your comfort and health. The cost of "high-performance" ranges between 1% and 2% of construction costs, and has a return on investment (ROI) upwards of 25% with a pay-back period of 3.9 years.

HERS Index


A Home Energy Rating Score (HERS) is an internationally recognized measurement of home energy performance that reflects how efficient a home is relative to a new home built to current energy codes. A new home or the American standard has a HERS Index of 100, which is the baseline all other homes are compared to. Keep in mind that a new home built to current energy codes or a HERS Index of 100, is the bare minimum a builder has to conform to without being red-tagged. When it comes to the HERS Index, the lower the better. An ENERGY STAR home is 15% more efficient than a code house and therefore would have a HERS Index of 85. A typical Flynner Home is about 40% more energy efficient than a new house built to current energy codes and therefore would have a HERS Index of 60! Flynner is the first builder in Idaho to perform HERS on all of their homes.

The HERS Index is the highest standard of home energy verification and is the only home performance index recognized by the EPA and governmental agencies. A HERS verification can only be conducted by a third party Certified HERS Verifier, who has been accredited by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET). A HERS verification is the most comprehensive form of an energy audit and therefore is specific to each individual home. A HERS verification consists of the evaluation, diagnostic testing, cost-effective recommendations and work specifications for each home typically taking 6 to 8 hours to properly complete.

Be advised that there are many contractors claiming to perform energy audits and/or HERS verifications. These contractors must utilize a third party Certified HERS Verifier to conduct their audits in order to comply with certification standards.

Flynner has built homes with a HERS score as low as negative 12 (-12).



A passive design utilizes the wind and sun to passively heat/cool and ventilate your home...saving you up to 80%-90% on your heating and cooling bills.

By calculating the proper sizes, location, and performance of windows, along with adequate solar shading and thermal mass (such as concrete floors) your house can "passively" coast through most of the year without mechanical equipment.